Island Home Health Care
ايلاند هوم للرعاية الصحية المنزلية

Admission Process:

1. Referral can be sent through phone, fax or e-mail by a facility, treating physician, patient or a family member.

• Company Phone Number: 02 667-0706

• Company Phone Number: 02 667-0705

• Company E-mail Address:

2. Information provided will be evaluated by the clinical team to ensure that the patient and the care/ services requested meet the standards set forth by IHHC.

3. When the criteria for admission is met, Physical facilities in the patient’s residence will need to be evaluated to ensure that it is adequate or adaptable for the safe and effective provision of care and / or services.

4. If the criteria for admission are not met, the physician notifies the patient/family/referral source and provides information about alternate settings and/or organizations.

5. An initial patient medical assessment will be conducted by our clinical team prior to admission to facility.

6. Island Home Health Care consent form & insurance consent form must be signed by the patient or family representative in order for us to start our admission process followed by our home health assessment services.

7. Documents will then be submitted for insurance approval, our team will contact the family to coordinate the beginning of the home health services.

Admission Criteria:

1. The care and services required by the patient are consistent with the IHHC’s mission and scope of service.

2. The patient resides within the geographical area served by the IHHC Agency.

3. There is a reasonable expectation that the patient’s care and service needs can be met adequately in his/her residence, including a plan to meet medical emergencies.

4. The patient must be under a treating physician’s care and the physician must be willing to provide the required written orders for care and/or services.

5. The physical facilities in the patient’s residence shall be adequate or adaptable for the safe and effective provision of care and/or services. If not, the patient/family will be instructed regarding any corrective measures that are required.

6. If it is determined that the organization cannot reasonably accommodate the patient’s needs/the patient does not meet the admission criteria, the patient /family/referral source will be notified and provided with information about other providers.

7. IHHC shall ensure that the service arrangements are reviewed at least once a month.