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Falls Management

In IHHC, there are several measures that home care team does to reduce a person serve risk of falling.

• Conduct a Fall Risk Assessment to identify factors which could contribute to incidents of falls in the home and provide suggestions for assuring a safe home environment.
• Review the patient’s history of falling.
• Review all medications taken by the patient, including over-the-counter medication and home remedies. When applicable, discuss with the physician.
• Monitor the patient’s cardiovascular status, heart rate, rhythm, and blood pressure for cardiac arrhythmias and orthostatic hypotension.
• Encourage adequate hydration and nutrition.
• Obtain orders for a physical therapist to: − Evaluate the patient’s gait and balance − Evaluate the strength and function of a patient’s lower extremities Identify home environmental hazards that could contribute to falls and make recommendations for modifications.
• Instruct the patient to wear nonskid footwear or properly fitting shoes.
• Place assistive devices, such as walkers and canes, within a patient’s reach.
• Include the patient, family members, and any home care aides in the development of an individualized home safety plan.
• Collaborate with the patient’s family to provide assistance, as needed, while maintaining the patient’s independent functioning.
• Communicate the patient’s “fall risk” status and risk factors during communication with other home care staff who may be involved with the patient’s care.

Critical Nursing Services

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Diabetic Care Management

When caring for a Diabetic patient, it’s important for IHHC Nurses to ensure that both the patient and the family understand the goals.....

Falls Management

In IHHC, there are several measures that home care team does to reduce a person serve risk of falling.....

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Tracheostomy Management

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Contact us at

om@islandhomehealthcare.com | 02-667-0706